Cost information

Treatment and costs

The costs for an osteopathic treatment (approx. 45-50 minutes) are 90,00 €. Payment occurs right after treatment. It's possible to pay by cash or debit/credit card.

If availalbe, bring important medical examination documents with you to your first appointment.

Reimbursement by statutory health insurers

Since the German Health Care Structure Act (Versorgungsstrukturgesetz) came into effect at the beginning of 2012, more than 100 statutory health insurers now reimburse the costs of osteopathic treatments on a pro rata basis. You can check the link to find your health insurance provider and their conditions.

In any case it's best to contact your health insurance provider directly to find out about their policy.

Reimbursement for privately insured patients

Private health insurances, subsidy agencies and supplementary insurances usually cover the costs of treatment. Invoicing is done according to the fee schedule for alternative practitioners (GebüH).